Wednesday 1 April 2015

Sphagnums on Migneint Moor

Migneint Moor is in Snowdonia, North Wales, at an altitude of over 300m, and it is the location of the source of the River Conwy. It's part of the Migneint-Arenig-Dduallt Special Area of Conservation and is one of the two largest areas of blanket bog in North Wales. I'm here on a sphagnum course with bryophyte expert Martha Newton.

It was a cold day on Migneint Moor, prolonged periods of rain and sleet with strong winds. However that didn't stop us finding a decent selection of sphagnums. Here's a selection of what we found.

Section Sphagnum

S. magellanicum

S. affine

S. papillosum

 S. palustre

Section Squarrosa

 S. teres

Section Subsecunda

 S. inundatum

S. subsecundum

Section Acutifolia

S. subnitens

S. capillifolium

S. russowii

 S. quinquefarium

 Section Cuspidata

S. Fallax ssp. isoviitae

S. flexuosum

S. angustifollium

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