Sunday 12 April 2015

Gull fest at Seaforth

Despite the dire conditions, rain and strong, chilly winds we had a great couple of hours at Seaforth where we saw the New Brighton laughing gull which has recently taken to roosting on the causeway at Seaforth, though often still returning to the marina at New Brighton. While we were in the hide a huge 1st winter glaucous gull dropped in, while at the other end of the size scale, up to four little gulls were picking insects off the water. Also here a female scaup and a fly over sanderling.

Year 182: (Little gull, scaup) This time last year I was on 199.

Laughing gull. Interestingly, just like at New Brighton, it completely ignored the majority of other gulls at Seaforth, prefering to spend its time with the waders.

Glaucous gull.

Little gull.

Female scaup with female pochard.

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