Tuesday 7 April 2015

Around Cardiff Bay

It was a glorious day in South Wales and Cardiff Bay looked great in the spring sunshine. Highlight of the day was a cracking adult ring-billed gull which I found in the centre of the bay this evening, complete with ringed bill and bright red orbital eye ring. A stunning bird, but too distant for photographs. No sign of either of the two Bonaparte's gull today.

Drake lesser scaup, Cardiff Bay wetlands.

The long staying little bunting is still showing well at Forest Farm, and is now in really nice plumage, with bright chestnut cheeks and a bright white throat and white eye ring.

Cardiff Bay wetlands NR.

Cardiff Bay from Prospect Place, looking towards Cardiff Bay Wetlands.

Also today, female red-crested pochard.

Year 173: (Lesser scaup, red-crested pochard)

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