There were plenty of birds about, especially Wigeon, Teal and Pink-footed Geese. At Crossens we saw a Peregrine, but Hesketh Out Marsh was best, with a dashing Merlin across the car park and away over the sea wall, whilst on the marsh itself we flushed many Snipe and 2 Jack Snipe. There were also 8 Little Egrets on the marsh. At Marshside I had a wander around the old sand washing plant, but the only small birds I could find apart from the Robins and Blue Tits were about 4 Goldcrests.

Marshside with hundreds of Wigeon and Crossens Marsh.

Sea Aster Aster tripolium in seed on Crossens Marsh and Large-flowered Evening Primrose Oenothera glazioviana at Marshside.

Hesketh Out Marsh looking good. This was farm land as recently as 6 years ago.

Glasswort on Hesketh Out Marsh.
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