Sunday 18 August 2024

A weekend in the Yorkshire Dales

We had a lovely long weekend at Grassington in the Yorkshire Dales and did three main walks. The first was from Conistone to Grassington via Grass Wood and Bastow Wood and back through the impressive Conistone Dib. At Bastow Wood we came across a few Scotch Argus butterflies which outside Scotland I have only ever seen before at Arnside Knott. 

Conistone Dib, more a gorge than a valley. It reminded me of the Avakas gorge in Cyprus, though on a much smaller scale.

Our second walk was up Hebden Ghyl where we saw a dipper and red kite, and then across Grassington Moor to the old lead mines near the top. Lots of kites, buzzards and ravens in this area, and I was also pleased to find a flowering mountain pansey on the side of the ghyl. I've seen this species in several places previously including Conistone Old Pasture near Coniston Dib.

On the moor itself there were a few red grouse.

Hebden Ghyl.

An old lead mine on Grassington Moor.

Hebden Ghyl.

Our final walk was from Hebden to Grassington along the River Wharfe where we saw a few birds including a nice family party of spotted flycatchers.

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