Friday 13 September 2024

Late swift and a hobby, Pennington Flash

A decent morning at Pennington Flash turned into a very good morning when I got a message from Ian informing me that there was a swift over the sailing club drifting towards the western end. Fortunately I was at the western end and managed to pick it up straight away and better still, while I was watching it a hobby flew over, circled around and then disappeared behind the trees at Mossley Hall Farm. The hobby was my first and probably last at the flash this year, whilst the swift was my latest ever at the flash and my 8th latest ever in the UK. It would need to hang around for another week to break that record.

Earlier two common sandpipers were at the sailing club where I also accidently flushed a great white egret from the shore below the gap where we view from, while 50 swallows flew south east and joined a larger flock of 150 over the fields on the south side. Chiffchaffs are still on the ruck in double figures, some singing, a few meadow pipits went over, a redshank was heard and a flock of 130 pink-footed geese went over heading east.

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