Monday 23 September 2024

Feral barnacles at Moss Lane, St Helens

I called in again at Moss Lane, St Helens this morning, half hoping that the yellow wagtail from Saturday would still be present, but mainly hoping to finally connect with the feral barnacle goose flock which frequents the area. No sign of the wagtail but fortunately the geese were present on the stubble fields next to the rugby ground and a count revealed at least 261 birds, along with 200+ Canada geese. The two species were right next to each other in the field but there was hardly any overlap and I didn't see anything which looked like a hybrid. 

I do find it quite amazing how scarce barnacle goose is at Pennington Flash, just 10 miles down the road. In 40 years I've only seen four at the flash, yet these birds do wander at least as far as Martin Mere occasionally and individuals from this flock have been recorded as far as Surrey, something we know thanks to a colour ringing project.

This is the only colour ringed barnacle from Knowsley that I have seen at Pennington Flash, back in September 2022.

In this photo you can see the Canada goose flock in the background.

Nice to see this juvenile stonechat in one of the horse paddocks today.

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