Saturday 20 July 2024


The drive home from Gairloch is over eight hours without a stop, so we decided to spend a night in Aviemore to break the journey and do a bit of birding. 

However, it was very, very quiet for birds, the Caledonian pine forest of Rothiemurchus was almost silent in fact. Not even common birds to be seen or heard, though fortunately we did come across one roving flock of coal tits which had a crested tit loosely associating with them, but certainly no sign of any crossbills of any species.

We did see a few interesting plants, especially creeping ladies tresses at Loch an Eilean, and there were a few dragonflies about.

Golden-ringed dragonfly. Best of all today, a white-faced darter which was a new species for me, but sadly no photograph. Also several four-spotted chasers and a few common darters.

Common blue damselflies in the wheel position.

Lochan Deo on the track from Loch an Eilean to the Lairig Ghru. There were many dragonflies here.

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