Wednesday 17 July 2024

Common dolphins, Summer Isles

Some more excellent cetacean watching today with Seascape Expeditions at Ullapool. We came across a pod of about 10-15 common dolphins which included some tiny calves, probably just a day or two old. Wonderful to see, one of them was so small that at first I thought that it was a fish jumping 😆. I've never seen such tiny calves. Also some tail slapping today.

Adult common dolphins measure between 1.7 - 2.5m. Therefore looking at the size of this youngster you would have to conclude that it is certainly less than 1m and perhaps as small as 0.75m which would indicate a new born animal. Far more experienced observers than I have commented on these photos on the Facebook group Hebrides and NW Scotland cetacean sightings and have said that the calf looks neonatal because the dorsal fin is not fully stiffened up and in this photo in particular you can see the fetal folds.

Other highlights included harbour porpoise and great views of an adult white-tailed eagle, common seals and grey seals.

Common seal.

Grey seals.

Yellow saxifrage growing at the side of the A832 just above Dundonnell.

Ullapool harbour.

Today's route

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