Sunday 28 June 2015

Leed - Liverpool canal

Today we had a bike ride through Pennington flash and onto the canal, then turned right towards Manchester and cycled to Wolseley. There was a Cetti's warbler still singing near the Tom Edmunson hide and on the canal there was a female tufted duck with six chicks.


  1. Hi Colin, I photographed a yellowhammer quite close up over the weekend on Billinge hill! It was ringed and I can see some of the detail on the side of the ring facing me! I was wondering if there is a site where you can post the ring details and someone would be able to identify it and where it was ringed. The information I can see is MUS (top line), ON S (middle line) and 637 (bottom line)!
    Im guessing it was ringed at fir Tree farm as its only a mile away and I know that a group of bird ringers put nets up on some sundays to catch birds and ring them.
    This bird is quite tame, maybe because its been handled it has become desensitised to humans somewhat?

  2. Hi Andrew, visit the BTO website and go to the Euring website here


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