Sunday 1 July 2012


We took the Miners track up Snowdon from Pen-y-Pass, and then followed the Llanberis route back to the town and the car. It was my first walk to the summit, and at times it was an odd experience, almost a procession up the mountain with queues in some places, and other places where you certainly wouldn't want to stumble for fear of being trampled to death.

There were moments when I wasn't really convinced that all of the fundraisers, coach loads of students, dog walkers (and dogs!) and people who had accepted bizzare "challenges" really wanted to be there. Then just when you thought that you had seen everything, as we reached the summit a train pulled into the station and we were joined by passengers dressed in all kinds of inappropriate gear for foggy and windy conditions on the summit of the highest mountain in the UK outside Scotland.

Still, I'm told that I'm just a grumpy old man, and joking aside, it was actually a really good and enjoyable day. The low cloud spoilt the view on the summit, but it was fine below 3000ft, and the views magnificent, especially from the Llanberis route I thought. I'm convinced that I heard a Chough just above the halfway station, but I couldn't get onto it and so I guess will never know for sure, unless anybody reading this has any information about the species on the mountain.

Update: following information received, it appears that there are Choughs on Snowdon and they are especially in the area in which I heard them, so great news!

Llyn Llydaw from the Miners track and Mossy Saxifrage near the summit. We also saw plenty of Starry Saxifrage.

The Snowdon train.

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