Thursday 15 September 2011

Billinge Hill

Spotted Flycatcher 1 on wires just below beacon.
Wheatear 6 (4 on stone circle, 2 near horse paddocks).
Blackcap 5
Whitethroat 2
Chiffchaff 4
Willow Warbler 1
Swallow 100
Meadow Pipit 40
Skylark 20
Tree Sparrow 80
Buzzard 1
Yellowhammer 30
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1

Painted Lady 1 around the beacon at about 9am

Sometimes it's a bit difficult to say which birds are migrating and which are just local birds moving around. However most of the Meadow Pipits and all of the Skylarks flew over the beacon in a south westerly direction, and they are probably mostly migrants. The Wheatears and Spotted Flycatcher will be migrants, whilst the Yellowhammers and Tree Sparrows are not. It's hard to be sure with the swallows and martins, but there has been a build up in numbers over the past few days, and they are probably a mixture of migrants and local birds.


  1. Loads of Buzzards around the fields next to the hill this morning.Took some inferior looking photographs of them.Any idea how i can get close to them,is it possible to bait them by putting down dead rabbits?

  2. Hi Andrew, can't really advise you on photography I'm affraid, I'm a point, snap and crop man myself. Attracting Buzzards is out of my league, but dead rabbits sounds a possibility.


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