Thursday 1 July 2021

Great Orme

Hundreds of silver-studded blues on the Great Orme this morning, most sitting on the vegetation waiting for the sun to come out and waiting for the day to warm up, I've never seen anything quite like it. Lots of colour on the Orme at the moment, with carpets of common rock-rose interspersed with bloody cranesbill, meadow sweet, pyramidal orchid and viper's-bugloss, amongst many other plants.

Count the silver-studded blues. My best count so far is nine.

The common rock-rose is just glorious at the moment.

Bloody cranesbill.

Pyramidal orchid.


Lot's of jellyfish around the Orme today, I think that this is compass jellyfish.

1 comment:

  1. Wow loving the butterflies. I have seen a few blue ones but loads of Ringlets! I count 10 in the photo but clearly see your 9 - the one in the middle is just perfect <3


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