Tuesday 19 June 2018

Green catbird, Noosa Botanic Gardens

Today I had saw a new contender for bird of the holiday at Noosa Botanic gardens. I was just about to leave and thought I'd take one last walk through the rain forest area and I'm so glad that I did. I came across a green catbird, right out in the open and even better, it stayed on full view for a minute or two. I was amazed at how big it was, I was expecting something the size of a bullfinch but instead it was more like the size of a pigeon! Australian catbirds are closely related to bower birds, but they don't build bowers.

It might have been showing well, but photographing it was still difficult, it was very dull in the heart of the forest and these photos were taken on 1/15. Fortunately my bridge camera goes to f2.8 which at least gives me a chance in dull situations. I'm very pleased with the results!

The fairy-wrens are almost like dartford warblers only much more colourful. This species is variegated fairy-wren. Another of my favourites is red-backed fairy-wren, which is basically all black with a red-back. They never stop moving through the vegetation and are very difficult to photograph.

I've done pretty well for kingfishers so far, apart from laughing kookaburra which are everywhere, I've also seen sacred kingfisher, azure kingfisher and today several forest kingfishers. Out of those, only azure seems to bother with fish!

White-necked heron.

Australian darter.

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