Friday 9 December 2016

Waders at Paphos Headland

Question: What does Paphos Headland, Cyprus share with Four Mile Beach, Queensland, Australia? Answer: They are the only two places in the world where I have seen greater sand plover.

Having failed spectacularly to see the greater sand plover at Paphos Headland last Saturday, today  was a different story, with quite stunning views of four birds down to about 3m. I almost stood on one it was so close when I first got there! Apparently the birds which winter in small numbers on Cyprus are unsurprisingly a different race to those which winter in Australia, and therefore are a potential armchair tick at some point in the future!

In Britain grey plover always seem to me to be one of the more unapproachable waders, and I've never managed a photo anywhere near as good as this, but like all of the waders I've seen here in Cyprus they're quite tame. I got within 5m of these birds, and they just walked away from me.

Here's another bird I almost stood on, this dunlin didn't fly away from me, it just walked quickly away and even allowed me to approach it again to take these photographs.


Around 100 golden plover were on the Point at Paphos Headland, and seemed quite tame until some bloke walked straight through the middle of the flock for no apparent reason, putting them all up. Also today, four turnstones.

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