Saturday 2 July 2016

Cemlyn Bay tern colony

Plenty of activity at the Cemlyn Bay tern colony today, with 2500 pairs of Sandwich terns, 60 pairs of Arctic terns and 60 pairs of common terns. Lots of fledglings around today as well, and as such the adults were constantly flying back and forth bringing back sand eels for their chicks. We started the day at South Stack where apart from the usuals there was an impressive passage of Manx shearwaters. Then we called in briefly at Holyhead Old Harbour where we saw at least five black guillemots including a bird which flew into the harbour and disappeared into a hole in the wall, presumably bringing food back for chicks.

Sandwich tern.

Arctic terns.


  1. Hi, I noticed the Arctic Tern is ringed - can the number be read?
    Chris Wynne
    Conservation Officer
    North Wales Wildlife Trsut

  2. I'm affraid not. The photo pixelates too much when I zoom in.


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