Monday 23 December 2013

Denhall Lane, Dee Estuary

Siberian Chiffchaff 1
Chiffchaff 1
Stonechat 2 (male & female)
Little Egret 3
Meadow Pipit 10

A bleak morning at Denhall Lane, a bitterly cold wind and heavy rain at times, didn't help in the search for the Buff-bellied Pipit along the tide wrack. There were lots of Meadow Pipits on show, a few Linnets, and on the fence a pair  of Stonechats. Best of all, in the bramble just a few feet in front of me, a Siberian Chiffchaff flitting around with a common Chiffchaff for comparison. A cracking bird! My second Sibe Chiffchaff this year, following one in Middleton, Greater Manchester in February.

Oh well, at least if the pipit gets relocated I've got plenty of opportunity to go back over the next few days..


  1. You're a brave man colin. Spent 4 hours there yesterday morning and near froze to death so can't imagine how bad it was today. I am sure the bird is still there somewhere let's hope it gets relocated (preferably before the end of the year). Kind regards Damian.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still there. Boxing Day it will be relocated, that's my prediction :-)

  3. Let's hope so. Have a good Christmas. Kind regards Damian.


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