Friday 21 June 2013

White-spotted Bluethroat, Martin Mere

Another Friday evening, another top quality bird in Lancashire! Following hot on the heels of last weeks Greenish Warbler, a fantastic White-spotted Bluethroat was heard singing at Martin Mere by head warden Chris Tomlinson after dark on Tuesday night. It was seen the following day in an area with no public access, way out on the marsh, so special access was arranged by the Trust to allow visitors to see the bird.

When I arrived it hadn't been seen for nearly 5 hours, and for a while it looked like it was going to be  a disappointing visit. However, after I'd been there for about 1 hour it suddenly hopped up onto a woodpile, and started singing, and showed well on and off for about 30 minutes. It really was a stunning bird, with red tail, bright blue throat (with a white spot!) and a distinct supercillium.

This was my first White-spotted Bluethroat in the UK, though I have seen several Red-spotted Bluethroats over the years. Thanks to the Trust for allowing access, and to all of the birders who let me have a look through their scopes!

Year 204 (White-spotted Bluethroat)

Longhorns on Woodend Marsh, Martin Mere, much more photogenic than the Bluethroat!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. I spent about 5 hours there on Thursday and today and only saw fleeting views of the bird in flight and about 2 seconds on top of a wood pile. No singing.


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