Wednesday 12 December 2012

Rough-legged Buzzard Anglesey

On Wednesday I found this magnificent juvenile Rough-legged Buzzard near Cemaes Bay on Anglesey, and managed to get a few photographs to confirm the identification. Pale Common Buzzards are often confused with this species, and this is apparently the first confirmed Welsh record of Rough-legged Buzzard for many years. There are a number of features which clinch the identification such as longer wings than Common Buzzard, very pale underwing, black carpal patch, dark belly, pale head, pale leading edge to the wing and pale tail with dark band. Also it hovered quite a bit, as you can see on one of the photos. Common Buzzards are very variable, and can show most of these features, but not all at the same time.

It's always worth carrying a camera with you (as I also found with the American Black Tern). I'm not sure that I would have been completely believed if I hadn't got the photos to prove it!

I've submitted this record to the Anglesey recorder (Steve Culley who originates from St Helens), and he has agreed with the identification and passed the photos onto the Welsh rarities committee.

As if that wasn't enough, I also found 3 Black Redstarts, 1 Waxwing and a Long-eared Owl (roosting on sea cliffs), as well as a Water Rail running down the road in front of the car, and lots of other great birds, including a Light-bellied Brent Goose which had been ringed at Strangford Lough in Northern Ireland and had previously spent most winters at Havre de Regnéville in Normandy.

A wonderful birding experience in glorious, if slightly chilly weather!


  1. Congratulations again Colin! This year will take some beating in terms of rarities.

  2. Thanks Damian, it really does feel like I'm on a roll at the moment. A west coast Rough-legged Buzzard is always a decent find, and I'm just grateful that the superb weather and excellent light meant that I could get a few reasonable shots of the bird. Imagine what you might have got with your camera!!


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